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✔ Ruim aanbod aan IT-diensten
✔ Optimale beveiliging
✔ Service op maat
✔ Ruim aanbod aan IT-diensten
✔ Optimale beveiliging
Microsoft Teams is de krachtige nieuwe ICT tool in Microsoft 365 die productieve samenwerking binnen jouw organisatie makkelijker maakt.
Met de expertise in e-mailbeveiliging van Fastbyte uit Nieuwegein, provincie Utrecht, ben je verzekerd van een digitaal veilige werkomgeving. E-mailbeveiliging is een belangrijk onderdeel van de digitale bescherming van jouw bedrijf. Hiermee bescherm jij jouw bedrijf tegen onder andere malware, spam en phishing. Door jezelf te beschermen tegen dit soort aanvallen is jouw data veilig.
Gewoon even een kop koffie samen drinken, elkaar beter leren kennen om te ontdekken of we iets voor elkaar kunnen betekenen. Vanzelfsprekend gaan we dieper in op jouw behoefte(s) #persoonlijk
Om er zeker van te zijn dat wij de juiste oplossing bieden die voldoet aan jouw behoefte, komt onze specialist de situatie inventariseren om de mogelijkheden in kaart te brengen #deskundig
Met de uitkomst van het locatiebezoek kunnen wij een passende offerte uitbrengen, geen verassingen achteraf. ICT blijft complex, maar wij beloven dat jij als klant begrijpt waar jij voor betaalt #eerlijk
Vanaf nu is ICT geen last meer, maar een voorziening. Altijd en overal kunnen werken, zonder beperkingen. Toch een probleempje? Onze Helpdesk staat voor jou klaar #behulpzaam
Wij denken als ICT-beheerder altijd actief met je mee. De persoonlijke benadering die wij hanteren, zorgt ervoor dat jij profiteert van IT-support op maat. Je hebt de keuze tussen drie verschillende oplossingen: zilver, goud of platina. Alle drie de mogelijkheden bevatten e-mailbeveiliging voor jouw organisatie. We bespreken tijdens het kennismakingsgesprek de onderdelen van ieder pakket en voorzien je van passend advies over welk pakket het best past bij jouw bedrijf. ICT-beveiliging en ondersteuning is uiteraard een belangrijk onderdeel van ieder pakket.
Het is erg prettig om jouw e-mailbeveiliging uit handen te geven aan een professional. Bekijk onze pakketten en overweeg wel pakket het beste bij jouw situatie past. Wij bieden een ruim aanbod aan IT-diensten, die erg relevant voor jouw onderneming kunnen zijn. Neem contact met ons op om de mogelijkheden te bespreken. We voorzien je graag van vakkundig advies op maat.
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Hartelijk dank voor jouw interesse in een ICT Beheer pakket! Laat je gegevens achter en we nemen binnen 1 werkdag contact met je op.
Hartelijk dank voor jouw interesse in een ICT Beheer pakket! Laat je gegevens achter en we nemen binnen 1 werkdag contact met je op.
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Het Fastbyte team
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In order to give your clients you a correct calculation we need to get an idea of how much data you have in your clients'your systems across theiryour organization.GB
What is the timeframe between each of your clients' your backups? E.g. every hour, once a day, once a week.?
From when disaster strikes, how long does it for your end user to notify you, for you to assess the situation, access your backups, and start the recovery process? Think of this a your reponse time.?
Storing your data locally is designed for fast data transfers, however you are at risk if there is a disaster in the office such as fire, floods or theft. Cloud data is stored off-site, such as in a Datto data center, which brings an extra level of availability albeit at a slower speed for full bare metal restores.?
Speed of cloud recovery comes down to the amount of data you are trying to recover and your download speed. Devices with slower connections will take longer to recover.Mbps
Nearly every employee will be impacted by an IT outage and will not be able to perform their job obligations to a certain degree. We recommend including the entire staff in this field.?
Even if the business stops due to an outage and employees are not able to perform some, or all, of their duties, employee wages typically are still paid. We are assuming yours will need to be paid, and this must be included in your cost of downtime calculations.{{currencyicon}}
All staff come with overhead costs like, gas, electric, rent, etc. Normally, this is about 50% of the average salary.{{currencyicon}}
For most businesses, an outage will halt the ability to product and accrue revenue. We are assuming that your revenue will case during an outage, and so annual revenue helps to calculate the average cost of lost revenue during downtime.{{currencyicon}}
It's critical to regularly test your backups. In the case that a backup isn't working, you could be looking at additional losses of {{perbackupdowntime}} per failed backup.Time between backups
This is the time it takes for your data to actually be downloaded back to your original device based on your backup location. Local backups will be quicker, but because a local disaster could take out local backups, but it’s always vital to ensure that you have a cloud backup as well.Recovery Processing Time
If you experience a ransomware attack, you may be able to recover quickly. If you're faced with a fire or flood, you could be offsite for days and face higher costs than what you see here. The results below are estimates for a local backup with a data transfer speed of around 500MB/sSummary
Datto's SIRIS BCDR solutions allow you to backup as frequently as every 5 minutes. They also allow for regular testing and validation of your backups, reducing your risk even further.Time between backups
In case of a disaster, Datto can enable you to virtualize your backups, hosted in our cloud. On average, it only takes about {{bcdrrecovery}} minutes to access the Datto portal, find your backup copy, and to virtualize it.Average Recovery Processing Time
Downtime will always cost your business money. However, you can reduce it with a Datto business continuity/disaster recovery solution. Compared to your current solution, you could reduce your possible downtime losses by around {{ localcostsaving }} {{ cloudcostsaving }}Summary
With the information that you've provided, and using certain assumptions made based on how businesses today typically function, we have estimated your clients'your downtime losses to be {{displayhourlyRevenueCost}} per hour Calculation is made by taking Staff Salary, Overheads & Revenue and breaking that down to an hourly cost for a 40 week & 52 weeks of the year business, then multiplied by the number of staff..
With your clients'your current backup & recovery solution you could be looking at a estimated potential loss of around {{ localdowntimecost }}{{ clouddowntimecost }}Hourly Cost ({{displayhourlyRevenueCost}}) * Estimated Downtime ({{ displaylocalDowntime }}{{ displaycloudDowntime }}) due to {{ displaylocalDowntime }}{{ displaycloudDowntime }} of downtime. This is assuming that your clients'your recovery process works exactly as planned, and could be worse if you experience any further glitches. For this reason, it's critical to regularly test your clients'your recovery capabilities. If the recovery process fails, your clientsyou could be looking at additional losses of {{perbackupdowntime}} Estimated Downtime Cost per hour ({{displayhourlyRevenueCost}}) * Time between Backups ({{backuphrs}}hrs {{backupmins}}mins) per recovery attempt.
With the information that you've provided, and using certain assumptions made based on how businesses today typically function, we have estimated your clients'your downtime losses to be {{displayhourlyRevenueCost}} per hour.
With your clients'your current backup & recovery solution you could be looking at a estimated potential loss of around {{ localdowntimecost }}{{ clouddowntimecost }} due to {{ displaylocalDowntime }}{{ displaycloudDowntime }} of downtime. This is assuming that your clients'your recovery process works exactly as planned, and could be worse if you experience any further glitches. For this reason, it's critical to regularly test your clients'your recovery capabilities. If the recovery process fails, your clientsyou could be looking at additional losses of {{perbackupdowntime}} per recovery attempt.
With the information that you've provided, we have identified that your clients'your estimated downtime losses per hour would be {{displayhourlyRevenueCost}}. However, as a result of not taking data backups the impact could be much worse!
Local backups should be a key part of your data protection strategy for your clients. They allow you to recover data and restore operations quickly in the event of a primary server outage, data deletion, or a ransomware attack. However, local backup alone isn't enough. What happens if the local backup device is destroyed or inaccessible due to a fire, flood, or other disaster? That's why you need a secondary, offsite copy of backups.
Cloud backup delivers that secondary, geographically isolated copy. You might ask? Why do I need local backups at all? Well, restores from the cloud are slow. That’s why the combination of onsite backups with cloud replication has become so popular among SMBs and MSPs alike. You really need both—local for fast restores and cloud for disaster recovery.
In contrast,The first step is to talk to your IT service provider or MSP about Datto. Datto's SIRIS business continuity and disaster recovery (BCDR) solutions could reduce your clientsyour downtime to {{displayBCDRDowntime}} and thieryour overall downtime cost would fall to {{ bcdrdowntimecost }}. In the rare case that the first recovery attempt doesn't work, your costs would only increase by {{perdattobackupdowntime}}, as opposed to {{perbackupdowntime}}{{perbackupdowntime}}your businesses closing all together.
With Datto, even if you are experiencing an outage at your workplace, work doesn't have to stop. Datto Continuity can get you back to business in a little as {{bcdrrecovery}} minutes on virtual servers, which can be accessed anywhere you have working internet. Features like Ransomware Detection and Advanced Backup Verification let you rest easy knowing your backups will work in your time of need.
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